It is time to rethink strategy development

Long-term strategic planning… Does that still cut it when the next quarter feels like a distant future? It certainly makes talking about three-year plans seem strange. We think it is time to make strategy more agile and believe that synthetic user data can help!

The age of Synthetic User Data and AI

What’s synthetic user data, you ask? It’s data that’s artificially generated, yet mirrors real-world respondents so accurately that it can be used validate strategies and concepts. Recent research shows that it’s perfectly capable of simulating respondents for marketing use cases. Understanding prospects, customers, or users? No problem. Validating a new strategy, new product line or concept? Let’s test and find out. Synthetic user data and AI allow you to test basically anything reliable, fast and way cheaper than any quant of qual user research ever could.

Strategic agility: the new normal

Imagine what would happen to strategic planning when you can test before you decide or execute. Your decisions would be quicker and  smarter. They’d be data-backed, not just gut-feel or HiPPO-based. You’d move from “What should we do?” to “Here’s what the data says we should do.”

Why speed really matters

Your competitors are brainstorming on solutions for the same issues as you are. They are using the same insights, based on the same management blogs and using the same approach. The best way to break out of this, is to be faster and have more certainty. With AI and synthetic user data, you can do both. It allows you to validate before you venture.

You can think of this as agile strategy development – nimble, adaptable, constantly evolving – while being closely connected to your broader vision (you still do need a clear vision). This approach to strategy development will give you the advantage you need.

Transforming strategy with The Only Constant

Ready to change the old skool strategy decks for a dynamic, data-driven and super fast approach? The Only Constant, has a sound and proven process to change the way you strategize. Just give us a shout, we’re happy to show what we can do for you.

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