
AI agents running Stookers’ social media show

PROJECT OVERVIEW Recently, The Only Constant partnered with Stookers Gin, an Amsterdam-based dynamic micro-brand in the gin industry. The goal was to explore how we could revolutionize Stookers’ digital marketing through AI automation. This business case describes the first project: Stookers-ai. The project addresses the challenges of social media management—resource intensity and the need for constant content innovation—by leveraging artificial intelligence to create a fully autonomous social media department. Challenge and opportunity Social media, while a vital channel for brand

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What impossible thing can you do now?

While AI seems to be able to shake up every part of business, I see a lot of talking, and way less doing than I think is needed. I guess this is like a grown up version of a kid in the candy store; if everything is an option, choosing becomes impossible. In a recent blogpostEthan Mollick shared an interesting approach on how to break this problem. He poses four pivotal questions essential for leaders that want to start understanding

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It is time to rethink strategy development

Long-term strategic planning… Does that still cut it when the next quarter feels like a distant future? It certainly makes talking about three-year plans seem strange. We think it is time to make strategy more agile and believe that synthetic user data can help! The age of Synthetic User Data and AI What’s synthetic user data, you ask? It’s data that’s artificially generated, yet mirrors real-world respondents so accurately that it can be used validate strategies and concepts. Recent research

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AI is already changing work

For me, one important takeaway from last week’s IMF blog findings stands out: AI’s impact on how we work is already here, and it is reshaping organizations globally. This change isn’t limited to specific sectors, it’s affecting most industries and jobs, with recent estimates suggesting over 60% of work changing. In case you were wondering: Yes, It’s time to rethink your organizational structures, your processes, your services, and products. AI implementation, often approached as a bottom-up process (which is not

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