AI is already changing work

For me, one important takeaway from last week’s IMF blog findings stands out: AI’s impact on how we work is already here, and it is reshaping organizations globally. This change isn’t limited to specific sectors, it’s affecting most industries and jobs, with recent estimates suggesting over 60% of work changing. In case you were wondering: Yes, It’s time to rethink your organizational structures, your processes, your services, and products.

AI implementation, often approached as a bottom-up process (which is not a smart approach btw), is more than a way to gain efficiency. It should also help you to do the right things, become more innovative, more competitive. Using AIs potential in such a way demands a business model transformation. As Bill Gates at Davos highlighted, AI has the potential to significantly boost productivity for white-collar workers. Rather than just replacing jobs, it can foster a new era of creativity and innovation.

Reinforcing this positive outlook, PwC’s research suggests that 68% of US CEOs expect generative AI to increase employee productivity in the next 12 months. I expect this number to be lower in the Netherlands, but still significant. Again, this is not just about doing the same work faster; it’s about reimagining taks, jobs and even departments. PwC also suggests that 2024 might turn out to be the year of business model reinvention, driven by AI’s dual ability to enhance efficiency and enable innovation.

As you might know by now, we’re committed to helping businesses use AI’s potential. We can guide you through the entire process, from identification to implementation, ensuring your business evolves to meet the demands of an AI-powered future.

Don’t just wait for the future to happen. Reach out and start shaping it. It will be worth your while.

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